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Monday, November 23, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
It been long time since I posted to my blog where did the time
go....well now that school is back in session for my pre teen and she
is in middle school my time has been occupied by school projects one
after another...I don't remember having this much school work when I
was this age....maybe I did, whose knows I can't remember that far
go....well now that school is back in session for my pre teen and she
is in middle school my time has been occupied by school projects one
after another...I don't remember having this much school work when I
was this age....maybe I did, whose knows I can't remember that far
My phone contract expired a few weeks ago so I decided I needed a
serious phone upgrade...I treated myself to an iPhone....I just love
this's like a pocket size has many features
on it that makes me truly happy with my decision...i am sitting here
in bed posting on this blog while watching tv--how cool is that..with
that said my problem has been solved with having time to post to my
blog--I can do it anywhere and at anytime---so stay tune for regular
Sent from my iPhone
Friday, September 25, 2009
It's The Weekend
This week went by really quick. I am so glad, with school back in section I have to get up really early every morning so we can leave on time so my daughter can to get to school by 8:00 a.m.. I seriously look forward to my weekends..
My morning exercise routine has been going really well.. I am staying committed and pushing my self to get up earlier so I can work out for 30 minutes before getting ready for work.. I am not trying to loose weight...just tone up..
I read a few blogs this morning and I was amazed at how many blog entry were about love pains... wow! I thank god I have moved on from those mind set that keep you shackled to a relationship that has long been over... we need to learn to let go and not subject ourselves to mental abuse from the other person who no longer loves or respect us.
I am so anxious for the weather to change from indian summer to fall already.. I am ready for some jackets and boots weather.... however I am not looking forward to the snow and freezing temperatures.
What about you? How was your week...
My morning exercise routine has been going really well.. I am staying committed and pushing my self to get up earlier so I can work out for 30 minutes before getting ready for work.. I am not trying to loose weight...just tone up..
I read a few blogs this morning and I was amazed at how many blog entry were about love pains... wow! I thank god I have moved on from those mind set that keep you shackled to a relationship that has long been over... we need to learn to let go and not subject ourselves to mental abuse from the other person who no longer loves or respect us.
I am so anxious for the weather to change from indian summer to fall already.. I am ready for some jackets and boots weather.... however I am not looking forward to the snow and freezing temperatures.
What about you? How was your week...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Daily Word: To is the day the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it
Do You Volunteer?

Do You Volunteer?

I am so glad school is back in session, this puts me back on a normal routine so I am able to post on my blog and catch-up on reading some of my favs....
I had a very rewarding weekend... My daughter and I was up very early Saturday morning so we could head on downtown to our volunteer duties. We cleaned up the pier by the Hudson River... It was a beautiful day to be outside. The sun was bright. The air was a bit cool with a slight breeze.. This my kind of weather, not hot, not cold.... just right....
When we arrived at the clean up site, we were greeted by the coordinator and given a brief run down on what was gonna take place. She cautioned us to be careful while rummaging through the trash.. You don't want to get poked by any sharpe objects. The debris that was picked up had to classified and put into a category on a form that was handed to us. Along with that form we were given gloves, a long handle fishing nets and clear plastic bags...
We used the long handle fishing net to scoop up the debris from the water. It was amazing the stuff we found when we looked at it closely. Amongst all the pieces of plastic, bottles, candy wrappers, straws, bottle top we found syringes and drug paraphanalia... we even found a baby crab and a piece of jelly fish... we threw those back into the water as those are not a threat to the environment.... It's so rewarding to me when I volunteer.. doing my part to make this world a cleaner place. .. What about you, do you volunteer? and where?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Growing up as a kid I use hear women say " how you get your man is how you will loose him" take on this statement is that if you get your many by taking him from another woman or any underhanded means necessary it is the same way you will loose him....You will have that insecurity in your mind that he could possible do the same thing to you. What am I getting at here is...
this doesnt work out and he moves on to another women and want to bring this mess to her and the women is wise to his game and has no tolerance to BS then he wants to talk S**T about her because she won't put up with the nonsense......
this doesnt work out and he moves on to another women and want to bring this mess to her and the women is wise to his game and has no tolerance to BS then he wants to talk S**T about her because she won't put up with the nonsense......
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Good Morals
I hope everyone had a lovely weekend... I did spent Saturday and Sunday shopping up a storm with my little one..... Its feels good to spend and not have to worry... I thank god my source of all things who provides for all my needs and wants... .On to my topic for the day.....
Friday, July 24, 2009
My Journey
I am back...Its has been well over a month since I last posted...I have been on a spiritual journey to get my mind right where I am at peace and living my life to the fullest.....I began reading a book that has been on the best seller list for quite sometime now...and its also been on my mental list as a must read....Joel Osteen - Your Best Life Now. as side from the bible this book has had a profound impact on me...He outlines and provides details on how to live at your full potential....I find myself looking forward to reading this book every day, meditating on what I have read and applying it to my life daily.....Its well written, easy to understand, he shares stories from his life and others that relate to the topic in that chapter, it is very positive and upbeat, humorous, and down to earth book that we all can identify with....
The teaching in this book has really taken me to another level spiritually... I find myself at peace because I am learning to focus on the good things, trusting and put all my faith in god because he is my source for all things.....I am seeing so much changes in me and my life. I can see where God is meeting all my needs and he is providing for me.....
Over the next few post I will share more from each chapter and what I have learned.......
Be Blessed
Forty Something
The teaching in this book has really taken me to another level spiritually... I find myself at peace because I am learning to focus on the good things, trusting and put all my faith in god because he is my source for all things.....I am seeing so much changes in me and my life. I can see where God is meeting all my needs and he is providing for me.....
Over the next few post I will share more from each chapter and what I have learned.......
Be Blessed
Forty Something
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Letting Go

I read a very disturbing article titled " He beat me, but I still loved him" today in my local paper.. The article is about a woman who was in an extremely abusive the point where this man kidnapped her and held her for 17 days while he abused and tortured her....but she still love him...
Now this dude is in jail for kidnapping and the case is now in court... The woman is called to the witness stand to testify.....The articles state the jury was spellbound with her tale of love and hate... in between wiping the tears she would steal a peak at him across the room...
All Things Are Possible
I consider myself a spiritual person.. I do believe in God and Jesus Christ.. I believe he died for my sins so I could be redeem from a life of sin......
Recently I have committed myself to not only pray when I wake up or go to bed at night but pray about everything and seek his guidance....
I know everyone has there own belief so I am not pushing mine on anyone...What I am saying is this works for me and my lifestyle......
Friday, May 22, 2009
Street Grate Collapes while students are standing on it taking class pictures...

As I walk the streets during my daily commute I always try to avoid walking on these street grate...It's just something about them that just doesn't look safe ...and I am not comfortable walking on top of something that has a big hallow hole beneath....Have you ever look down into one of them... some of them are really deep and dark.... fortunately for these students this one wasn't one of those.....
Forty Something
Can we leave early today... It's a holiday weekend dammit!
Went to Sephora during lunch with my co-worker.. the sales lady was really nice... she gave us a sample spray bottle of our favorite perfume and a small makeup mirror for our cosmetic bag.
I love free stuff, especially if its something I can use..
I think I am loving this Marc Jacobs fragrant - Daisy..I am a floral scent type of women....
If you have to constantly hold down your skirt when the slightest bit of wind blow then you know its too short to be worn outside...
It is mandatory to wear a bra if your breast is heading south....
Some people just don't think about their safety when they stand in front of someone who is already standing pretty close to the edge of a train platform and the train is about to pull in....what if this person who you stood in front of is a lunatic and pushes you onto the track while the train in pulling in......
When entering a bus or train and you see an empty seat... as you approach to take a seat do you check out the person who is sitting in the next to make sure they are not exhibiting any abnormal behaviors....
Does being rich helps to keep you in shape.....
Forty Something
Went to Sephora during lunch with my co-worker.. the sales lady was really nice... she gave us a sample spray bottle of our favorite perfume and a small makeup mirror for our cosmetic bag.
I love free stuff, especially if its something I can use..
I think I am loving this Marc Jacobs fragrant - Daisy..I am a floral scent type of women....
If you have to constantly hold down your skirt when the slightest bit of wind blow then you know its too short to be worn outside...
It is mandatory to wear a bra if your breast is heading south....
Some people just don't think about their safety when they stand in front of someone who is already standing pretty close to the edge of a train platform and the train is about to pull in....what if this person who you stood in front of is a lunatic and pushes you onto the track while the train in pulling in......
When entering a bus or train and you see an empty seat... as you approach to take a seat do you check out the person who is sitting in the next to make sure they are not exhibiting any abnormal behaviors....
Does being rich helps to keep you in shape.....
Forty Something
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Term Limits

I came across an interesting post on a forum that I frequent. The writer posted this question SHOULD WE HAVE TERM LIMITS ON MARRIAGES LICENSE...This question made me go ummmmmm....This doesn't sound like a bad idea...The writer went on to say that the term should be for one year and after the time is up you can either renew or go your own separate way... However as part of the renewal process you may want to negotiate some conditions if there were issues during the first year of marriage...
I think most people would benefit from this... You sould learn a lot about each other in the first year of marriage and by the time the term limit is up you should know more or less if you can stay with this person till death do you part and if there are issues you can work them out or move the hell on...
I can see this saving the expense of getting divorce.
The down side is hopefully there are no children produced during this time period... because this takes it to another level.......
Forty Something
Random Thoughts
While in meetings I wish I could just tell some people who go on and on to "Shut The Hell Up".
Why can't we have four day work weeks.
They need to learn how to regulate the air in this building.. It's freezing in here. Do they really expect us to get work done..
I spent last night having an enjoyable conversation on the phone with someone that I met online... during the conversation it came up that he's unemployed... ?????? more on this later....
I need to get a pedicure
If I sitting at my desk and I am focused on my computer screen ..I am desperately avoiding eye contact with you. why do people insist on having a conversation with me... not about work.. but bs! Can't they see I am ignoring them...
Forty Something
Why can't we have four day work weeks.
They need to learn how to regulate the air in this building.. It's freezing in here. Do they really expect us to get work done..
I spent last night having an enjoyable conversation on the phone with someone that I met online... during the conversation it came up that he's unemployed... ?????? more on this later....
I need to get a pedicure
If I sitting at my desk and I am focused on my computer screen ..I am desperately avoiding eye contact with you. why do people insist on having a conversation with me... not about work.. but bs! Can't they see I am ignoring them...
Forty Something
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Why do some men misinterpret a cordial hello as an invite for stalking.... while standing on the train platform yesterday reading my book I looked up and... my eyes made contact with a man that was walking by me.. he smiled and said hello and smiled and said hello also... now tell me why did this man decide to stop walking and stand right next to me.
I immediately went back to reading my book... but I noticed from corner of my eyes that he was seriously checking me out... now if the bro was my type then I wouldn't have mind but he was not... first of all I am not into the short bros nor am I into a man thats too grown up ( as in old).... don't get me wrong I am not that tall.. I am of average height which is 5' 6" the man had to be at least 5' 4" ....and a lot older than I am at least in appearance.... come on now....
So I pretended not to notice him... my train came and I step on and sat down.. with all the empty seats around this fool decided to sit right next to me. What the freak is up with that.......
I continued to read my book and I could see from the corner of my eyes that he was seriously itching to say something to me........
He mustered up the courage to ask me what I was reading and if it was interesting..... Trying to be polite as I normally am... I turned around and told him yes and showed him the cover.....
I proceeded to continue reading my book... and watching him from the corner of my eye hoping he didn't have anything else to say....
He kept eye balling me and I guess trying to figure out what to say next..... thank goodness I wasn't going that far on the train so my stop came quickly....
I closed my book, lifted my hand bag and proceeded to get up from my my back was faced to him I heard him say... Have a nice evening.... I just kept it moving.......
Forty Something
I immediately went back to reading my book... but I noticed from corner of my eyes that he was seriously checking me out... now if the bro was my type then I wouldn't have mind but he was not... first of all I am not into the short bros nor am I into a man thats too grown up ( as in old).... don't get me wrong I am not that tall.. I am of average height which is 5' 6" the man had to be at least 5' 4" ....and a lot older than I am at least in appearance.... come on now....
So I pretended not to notice him... my train came and I step on and sat down.. with all the empty seats around this fool decided to sit right next to me. What the freak is up with that.......
I continued to read my book and I could see from the corner of my eyes that he was seriously itching to say something to me........
He mustered up the courage to ask me what I was reading and if it was interesting..... Trying to be polite as I normally am... I turned around and told him yes and showed him the cover.....
I proceeded to continue reading my book... and watching him from the corner of my eye hoping he didn't have anything else to say....
He kept eye balling me and I guess trying to figure out what to say next..... thank goodness I wasn't going that far on the train so my stop came quickly....
I closed my book, lifted my hand bag and proceeded to get up from my my back was faced to him I heard him say... Have a nice evening.... I just kept it moving.......
Forty Something
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Over Slept
I can't believe I over slept this morning... I woke up at 7:30...damn!... maybe it was two glasses of wine I had last night. lol. It made me sleep like a baby... none of that tonight ... I need to get to bed at good time so I can get up on time and get to work by 9:00 a.m.
Forty Something
Forty Something
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