Do You Volunteer?

I am so glad school is back in session, this puts me back on a normal routine so I am able to post on my blog and catch-up on reading some of my favs....
I had a very rewarding weekend... My daughter and I was up very early Saturday morning so we could head on downtown to our volunteer duties. We cleaned up the pier by the Hudson River... It was a beautiful day to be outside. The sun was bright. The air was a bit cool with a slight breeze.. This my kind of weather, not hot, not cold.... just right....
When we arrived at the clean up site, we were greeted by the coordinator and given a brief run down on what was gonna take place. She cautioned us to be careful while rummaging through the trash.. You don't want to get poked by any sharpe objects. The debris that was picked up had to classified and put into a category on a form that was handed to us. Along with that form we were given gloves, a long handle fishing nets and clear plastic bags...
We used the long handle fishing net to scoop up the debris from the water. It was amazing the stuff we found when we looked at it closely. Amongst all the pieces of plastic, bottles, candy wrappers, straws, bottle top we found syringes and drug paraphanalia... we even found a baby crab and a piece of jelly fish... we threw those back into the water as those are not a threat to the environment.... It's so rewarding to me when I volunteer.. doing my part to make this world a cleaner place. .. What about you, do you volunteer? and where?
Yeah, I volunteer. Church, library, homeless shelter mostly. I do a lot of one-time volunteering too. I like it. It is a constant reminder that life isn't all about us. In fact, it's not about us at all. It's about other people!
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I volunteer with my sorority and on my own. I think that it is very important for those that have the capacity to do so to give back to the community. To whom much is given much is expected...