I read a very disturbing article titled " He beat me, but I still loved him" today in my local paper.. The article is about a woman who was in an extremely abusive relationship...to the point where this man kidnapped her and held her for 17 days while he abused and tortured her....but she still love him...
Now this dude is in jail for kidnapping and the case is now in court... The woman is called to the witness stand to testify.....The articles state the jury was spellbound with her tale of love and hate... in between wiping the tears she would steal a peak at him across the room...
She described the abuse and in between that she talked about the good times they shared and how he treated her good..... when asked why she didn't she go to the police she stated because I loved him and I figured it would stop sooner or later.....
I am not here to judge anyone..I have had my share of an abusive relationship but nothing like this one... As I thought this one through the thought came to mind that we as human being need to learn to let go... As children growing we are taught and guided by parents and adults about so many different things that shaped and mold us into the adults that we are now....
but one of the things we are not thought is how to let go and move the hell on..... looking back over my life this is something I could have benefited from a great deal as an adult....
I am not saying that this is the answer to escaping an abusive relationship, looking back on my previous relationship I hung on because it hurt like hell to let go.... We have to learn to take the pain and pick ourselves up and get the hell out...The pain will eventually go away.....
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