Thursday, June 11, 2009

All Things Are Possible

I consider myself a spiritual person.. I do believe in God and Jesus Christ.. I believe he died for my sins so I could be redeem from a life of sin......

Recently I have committed myself to not only pray when I wake up or go to bed at night but pray about everything and seek his guidance....

I know everyone has there own belief so I am not pushing mine on anyone...What I am saying is this works for me and my lifestyle......

Now I firmly believe in having faith and along with faith one must take action to see it manifest....and I believe that all things are possible through God who is in control regardless of what one on says or a situation may look like...

Now for past few weeks I have been reading a book by Edwene Gaines..The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity.... I am not going into too much about this book... I will do a review when I am done reading... so you can go and check it out for yourself.....

In this book the author shares and stories of her own experiences from a spiritual point of view on the laws of prosperity.. This is a very interesting book for me so I have comment to following and put into practice what I have learned thus far.....

One of thing I am committing too is setting goals for prosperity....remember prosperity doesn't always mean money... one could have prosperity in relationships, at the job, for your health.. etc....

The author recommends writing down your goals/commitments, verbalizing through praying in detail what you want and expect the the lord to do..then stepping out on faith to achieve these goals....

My first goal is to move into a bigger apartment, in a safe clean building and neighborhood, near a park for my daughter, within walking distance of transportation, with plenty of parking at an affordable rent.....Now I know and I am well aware of the stay of the economy and the price of renting these day... However, I stand firm on the fact that all things are possible through good....

On Monday I started my search... I saw a few ads.... I even signed up with a place that provide help with finding apartments all over the tri-state goals is to search online and the newpapers looking for my dream apartment....

So this morning I get a call on my cell phone from an online site that I had signed up with during my apt search.... The young lady introduced herself to me and ask when I was looking to move... I gave her my time frame which is 9/1/09......

She proceeded to ask me what I was looking for and how much I was willing to pay..... I was very specific with her in detail as well as the price.... after all this was said and done the work caught and attitude with me... She feels that I am expecting too much for the price that I am will to pay.... I laughed when she said this....because I know the capabilities of the higher power that I serve....

I explained to her that my faith will lead me to where I need to... she got extremely annoyed with me and wanted to argue.....

I politely said to You call me, You asked me what I was looking for, I explained to you without stuttering.. If you know you are unable to me my demands then.... tell me so.. so we can end this conversation.... I wished her a blessed day and hung up my phone....

Now you see how easily a person can kill someone dreams and hopes... One has to be very careful of people and their opinions and the negativity that they put out.... I know it was the enemy in disguise... but it shall not sway me from the faith that I have........

People don't let anyone project there negative thoughts on you because they can't see beyond what is in front of there face....

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